Escape from Plant Five is science fiction themed VR carnival game playable on the HTC Vive.

Greg and I created this game over a three-day weekend, largely to get a better sense of how developing a room-scale VR experience for the Vive differed from screen-based projects we more commonly make.

Download for Windows + Vive


  • Greg did all the coding. The project is built in Unity and written in C#. He used the Newton VR library to quickly set up interactions between the Vive controllers and Unity's physics engine.
  • I did the 3D artwork. The models were created in Blender, and most of the textures were created in Substance Painter.
  • The music is Bach's "Little Fugue," rearranged in Garage Band. Most of the sound effects were recorded on an iPhone.
  • The spacey sky-box was procedurally generated with Rye Terrell's sky-box generator.
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five
Escape from Planet Five