For our first prototype, we used a 10-24 lead screw for the horizontal and vertical carriages. The top of the whiteboard served as the rail for the horizontal carriage. This worked somewhat, but the carraige rocked back and forth. Worse, we didn't have a vertical rail at all. Instead the marker rode only on the threaded rod, and pushed against the whiteboard to keep from rotating. Between a slight bend in the threaded rod and the weak heatshrink-tube connection to the motor, the vertical car wobbled, rocked, and slid like crazy. This was improved somewhat by rigging a yardstick as a stabalizing vertical rail.
The laser cut peices for this prototype were much more complicated than in later designs, using drawn t-slot joints (instructable).
We used an Arduino with the Adafruit Motorshield v1.2 to drive the motors. At this point Drawings were hardcoded on the Arduino.
For a first prototype, we were pretty happy with how well it actually drew. Given the rickety carraiges, its kind of suprising it drew at all.